Monday, August 10, 2009

jonas blog i guess..

its at the point where im depressed every time i watch them on tv.
its pitifull.
how can you want something so bad and not even know them.
not know it.
ughhh; i hate this.

i wish i was this one girl.
she goes to like every concert.
she's sooo lucky :(

Monday, August 3, 2009

what i want :)

you know those movies like love and basketball?
how the two people live like right next door to each other & whatnot.
and they're in love :)
and they grew up together & the whole nine yards.

thatssssss soooo cuteee :)
i want that.
i got ideas of my own that wont ever happen though lmfao lmfao lmfao lmfao
but just deff never gonna happen ahaha
in my book atleast.

i kinda decided the other night though that i dont want commitment.
i dont like it.
it makes me miss out on what's only there briefly haaha

but uhm, im bored.
and tired.
and everything elsee.

night night :)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

number oneee :)

im soo proud of demi lovato !
awh . i love how she said its just now hitting her & then she just broke down in tears.
i dont mean i love it like meanly haha
i mean like awhhh ; thats soo cute haha


Thursday, July 30, 2009

here we go again<3

i believe im getting back onto this blogging thing.

uhmm, its almost august and im nervous for school.
new school/ people/ lots of stuff.
i wanna make friends but i have a feeling that wont come so easily hahaha
whatevvv ; gotta have faith in myself :) . . . :/ lmao

but uhmm, meghan & i have an amazing plan. im not gonna tell it until it happens or i'll sound more pathetic than i already am lmfao!
but anyways, thats not the point.

im deciding if i should perm my hair?. .
maybbeee. im getting a moc-perm soon so i can just see what it will be like and if i like it.
and im getting my bangs cutt for sure though.

other than that, nothing that new.

but i can say that i am tired of wasting my time on some people who act like im not worth theirs.
i used to be one of the most important factors in their life and now im nadaaa basically.
i mean, thats a great way to handle things just cus i moved.
nice to know how much i mean to you.

laterrr xoxo

Friday, July 24, 2009


i hateeeeeeee how people change.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

longggg timeee

oh well ; i been busy.
working. and at the moment im watching house bunny. funny funny :) lol

so great news; im learning how to cook haha
pork chops, salmon, blah blah :) im pretty good :)

uhmmm, jonas brothers concert last monday was freaking amazinggg.
i still think last years concert was a lilttle better. the only thing better bout this one was thta i was closer.
well, on that note; next year i plan on being even closer.
i gotta get that boys attention sooner or laterr.

so meghan kept tellin me to go listen to disco curtis. they have a song called ashley. but i loveee that band. and tanner . . . is cutee :) haha sorry meghan, i had to say it.
but you can still keep him haha
i cant believe he has nick's number.
sooo, meghan and i think tanner may be the answer to our prayerss :)
she can have ginger babies and i can have my babyy haha
im getting more and more obbsessed. idk if its a good thing. most likely not but idontcareee :)

so on august 3rd i have an appointment to get enrolled into school.
ocean lakes high school.
i dont know anyoneeee. . . im kinda nervous. so i think im going to orientation. just to be able to somewhat find my way around.
family says i'll be bale to make friends easily. i dont know. lol

but uhmm, i guess ima get off here.

laterrr xoxo :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

since the day we met boy ;

i aint never had anyone who made me feel this way
and my heart is sure it wants to be with you
wanna give you the whole world
if you make a promise to me, your gonna stay
without you guiding me, i'm lost and so confused
what will it take you show you i'll be by your side?

so its been like forever once again.
idk i just dont for real have time for alot anymore.
which really sucks.
things with my bestfriend are feeling a bit rocky lately.
i think chillin with her today will make things better.
its been longer than 2 weeks since ive actually chilled with her.
it sucks.
i miss her & ima miss her more when i move :/

yeahhh; so my one month was yesterday :))
he got me a snoopy thing lol that was supposed to come with candy but he's fat.
he ate the candy lmfao
but he wrote me a really cute note and drew me something :) man oh man

so i gotta pack and everything.
that involves doing laundry.
and laundry is something i dont wanna do at the moment. lmao
so ill just wait till jati calls me  to tell me she's back at anns.

xoxox !

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

just dance :)

so its been like three weeks since i last posted a blog. haha
im slackinnn 
whatevvv !

so, my one month is comin up on the 15th :)
im excited; but still dont know what im gonna do yet.

after school is out, im moving in with my dad.
im  a little worried& cant explain why.

basically ; thats all for now.


Monday, May 18, 2009

ain't no nigga like meeeee ;)

today was good :)
except it was cold

ive realized i havent updated in a while. i been caught up
i got alot going on.

i have a chemistry sol tomorrow.
i get to see my babe tomorrow :)) <3

you know what pisses me off ; when people take things to the extreme.
like it dont even need to go that effin far.
it aint even that serious. like im not even takin to that point . so calm down.
just venting.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Really Really Miss Your Smile ; Yes I Do.

i dont think that you know
that the girl i was, you made me
and now that your gone
i just cant cope.
whatever; just some lyrics haha

soo, yesterday was very eventful.
the beach with boys. 
the hotel pool & hot tub.
btw; that guy had amazing eyes :)))

and then the mall ; we tried finding a way that those boys could meet us up there , but they couldnt get a ride. its whatever.
we can catch a movie another day during the week :)

then lil john took us home. but to 711 first ;
eff bromley niggas !
hahahahahah weakkkkk !

but then , me & ann had mcdonalds at like two in the morning :)
its was pretty good. considering it wasnt what i wanted.
i mean , what kind of place doesnt have a dollar menu at two in the morning ?!
dont they know niggas be broke & so manny niggas be high ?!
lmfao ! just kiddingggggggg ; not really hahahaha

but mann, yesterday just felt like two days hahah.

i had a long conversation to work things out with someone.
i hope things work out in the long run.
i really do.

but yeahhhh;


btw; happy mothers day :)
loveeee you maaaa :)♥